The Notion That Life Continues After Death
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- philosophy of religion
The belief in life after death, which is maintained by each of the Abrahamic religions, raises the metaphysical question of how the human person is to be defined. Some form of mind-body dualism, whether Platonic or Cartesian, in which the mind or soul survives the death of the…
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…provides an argument for a life after death in which the injustices and inequities of the present life are remedied.
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American Indian religions
- Aztec
The beliefs of the Aztec concerning the other world and life after death showed the same syncretism. The old paradise of the rain god Tlaloc, depicted in the Teotihuacán frescoes, opened its gardens to those who died by drowning, lightning, or as a result…
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- Southeast Indian
…most groups believed in an afterlife. It was generally thought that the souls of the recently deceased would hover around the community and try to induce close friends and relatives to join them in their journey to eternity; thus, the elaborate funerary rites and the extensive taboos associated with death…
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ancient European religions
- Celtic
They believed in a life after death, for they buried food, weapons, and ornaments with the dead. The druids, the early Celtic priesthood, taught the doctrine of transmigration of souls and discussed the nature and power of the gods. The Irish believed in an otherworld, imagined sometimes as underground…
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- Etruscan
…and imaginative picture of the afterlife. The living were perpetually obsessed by their care for the dead, expressed in elaborate, magnificently equipped and decorated tombs and lavish sacrifices. For, in spite of beliefs in an underworld, or Hades, there was also a conviction that the individuality of the dead somehow…
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…alluded to the kind of afterlife that was expected for the deceased. The Elysium-like concept of the afterlife prevailed in the Archaic period, but in the ensuing centuries one finds a growing emphasis on the darker realm of the underworld. Frescoes show its ruler, Hades (Etruscan Aita), wearing a wolf-skin…
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- Germanic
- In Germanic religion and mythology: Eschatology and death customs
No unified conception of the afterlife is known. Some may have believed that fallen warriors would go to Valhalla to live happily with Odin until the Ragnarök, but it is unlikely that this belief was widespread. Others seemed to believe that there was no afterlife. According to the "Hávamál," any…
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- In Germanic religion and mythology: Eschatology and death customs
- Greek
…it was believed, to the realm of Hades by Hermes; but the way was barred, according to popular accounts, by the marshy river Styx. Across this, Charon ferried all who had received at least token burial, and coins were placed in the mouths of corpses to pay the fare.
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- Orphic
…last things, especially death and afterlife) with their discoveries, they invested music, geometry, and astronomy with religious values. According to their doctrine, the original home of the soul was in the stars. From there it fell down to earth and associated with the body. Thus, man was a stranger on…
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- Roman
…most Romans' ideas of the afterlife, unless they believed in the promises of the mystery religions, were vague. Such ideas often amounted to a cautious hope or fear that the spirit in some sense lived on, and this was sometimes combined with an anxiety that the ghosts of the dead,…
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ancient Near and Middle Eastern religions
- Egyptian
…for the tomb and the next world. Egyptian kings are commonly called pharaohs, following the usage of the Bible. The term pharaoh, however, is derived from the Egyptian per ʿaa ("great estate") and dates to the designation of the royal palace as an institution. This term for palace was used…
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Belief in an afterlife and a passage to it is evident in predynastic burials, which are oriented to the west, the domain of the dead, and which include pottery grave goods as well as personal possessions of the deceased. The most striking development of later mortuary practice was…
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- Hittite
…common Indo-European notion of the hereafter, pictured as a pastureland with grazing cattle "for which the dead king sets out." This suggests that the Indo-European forebears of the later speakers of Hittite, Palaic, and Luwian, as well as those of minor members of this group, entered Anatolia together, following a…
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modern religions
- Christianity
…of the personal continuance of life after death. Many baptized early Christians were convinced they would not die at all but would still experience the advent of Christ in their lifetimes and would go directly into the kingdom of God without death. Others were convinced they would go through the…
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- Islam
…the ability to destroy and bring back to life all creatures, who are limited and are, therefore, subject to God's limitless power.
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- Judaism
…arose a belief in an afterlife, for which the dead would be resurrected and undergo divine judgment. Before that time, the individual had to be content that his posterity continued within the holy nation. But, even after the emergence of belief in the resurrection of the dead, the essentially ethnic…
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…may have continued to exist, but it was not to be understood any longer as life. The existence of the dead in sheol, the netherworld, was not living but the shadow or echo of living. For most biblical writers this existence was without experience, either of God or of anything…
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…extremely subtle position that equated immortality with the cleaving of the human intellect to the active intellect of the universe, thus limiting it to philosophers or to those who accepted a suitable philosophical theology on faith. Little or no consensus was evident in the modern period, though the language of…
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- Shinto
- In saint: Shintō
…belief, every person after his death becomes a kami, a supernatural being who continues to have a part in the life of the community, nation, and family. Good men become good and beneficial kamis, bad men become pernicious ones. Being elevated to the status of a divine being is not…
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- In saint: Shintō
- Zoroastrianism
…fate awaiting individuals in the afterlife. Each act, speech, and thought is viewed as being related to an existence after death. The earthly state is connected with a state beyond, in which the Wise Lord will reward the good act, speech, and thought and punish the bad. This motive for…
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theological aspects
concept of
- death
- In death: Ancient Egypt
…the gift of immortality; this afterlife was first sought by the pharaohs and then by millions of ordinary people. The second was the concept of a postmortem judgment, in which the quality of the deceased's life would influence his ultimate fate. Egyptian society, it has been said, consisted of the…
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- In death: Ancient Egypt
- soul-stuff
…soul with personal survival or continuity after death, there is an equally ancient view that emphasizes the continuity of life. This view, to which the Dutch anthropologist Albertus Christiaan Kruyt gave the term soul-stuff (a term he contrasted with the postmortem soul), is chiefly found among the rice cultivators of…
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- time
…that death is followed by everlasting life elsewhere—in Sheol, hell, or heaven—and that eventually there will be a universal physical resurrection. Others (e.g., Buddhists, Orphics, Pythagoreans, and Plato) have held that people are reborn in the time flow of life on earth
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- death rites
- sacramental rites
- In sacrament: Sacramental ideas and practices in preliterate societies
To give the dead new life beyond the grave, mourners may allow life-giving blood to fall upon the corpse sacramentally. In this cycle of sacramental ideas and practices, the giving, conservation, and promotion of life, together with the establishment of a bond of union with the sacred order, are…
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- In sacrament: Sacramental ideas and practices in preliterate societies
- theodicy
…is to appeal to a life after death; the hardships of this life, whether caused by natural evil or by moral evil, are as nothing compared with the rewards to come, and they are a necessary factor in preparing one for the afterlife through moral training and maturation. This line…
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